Who doesn’t hate mosquitoes? They’re not only irritating but also leave itchy bites behind—and don’t forget about the diseases they carry! So it’s totally understandable why we all want them gone from our living spaces. I’ve tried it all—from sprays to candles—but have you ever considered that the solution could lie in your garden? Believe it or not, specific flowers and herbs can do wonders at keeping mosquitoes at bay!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Plants? Really? That sounds too easy.” But trust me, there’s some science behind this. Certain plants contain natural compounds that mosquitoes just can’t stand. They’ll fly away faster than you can say “citronella.” So, which plants are we talking about here? Well, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s find out.

10 Best Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep mosquitoes away, you’re in the right place. I’ve been researching the best plants to keep mosquitoes away for years now.

Let me tell you, some plants are fantastic at keeping mosquitoes away. Citronella grass, lemon balm, and scented geraniums can really help you reclaim your outdoor space from those pesky bugs.

What’s even better is these mosquito-repelling plants are as pretty as they are practical for your garden or patio. Ready to discover the top ten natural mosquito repellents?

1. Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon Nardus)

When it comes to plants that repel mosquitoes, citronella grass is the MVP. This tall, clumping grass is packed with citronella oil, which gives off a strong scent that mosquitoes absolutely hate.

For years, I’ve been planting citronella grass around my patio, and it really keeps the mosquitoes away. Whenever I crush a few leaves, that familiar citrusy scent fills the air instantly.

If you want to keep mosquitoes away from your patio or garden, studies suggest using citronella oil for its effective repelling properties.

2. Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)

If you’re looking to ward off mosquitoes, try using lemon balm. Its lovely lemon fragrance might be pleasant to us but drives those bugs away.

I love growing lemon balm in pots around my deck. Not only does it keep the mosquitoes at bay, but it also makes a delicious tea. Just steep a few fresh leaves in hot water, and you’ve got a soothing, mosquito-repelling brew.

3. Scented Geraniums (Pelargonium Graveolens)

Scented geraniums are the silent champions in keeping mosquitoes at bay. With fragrances ranging from rose to citronella, these lovely plants pack a punch against those pesky insects.

I’m particularly fond of the citronella-scented variety. The leaves give off a pungent smell that mosquitoes can’t stand. Plus, they make beautiful additions to any container garden or border.

4. Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)

Catnip isn’t just for cats. This perennial herb is also a highly effective mosquito repellent. In fact, one study found that catnip is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, the chemical found in most commercial bug sprays.

In my herb garden, I always plant extra catnip for my furry companions. They have a blast rolling around in it while I enjoy the bonus of fewer mosquitoes.

5. Marigolds (Tagetes)

Marigolds are the unsung heroes of any garden. These annual flowers brighten up your yard with their vibrant colors and help keep pesky insects at bay.

Every year, I surround my vegetable garden with marigolds. They work wonders at keeping mosquitoes and other pests away from my tomatoes and cucumbers. Plus, starting them from seed is a breeze.

6. Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender is a favorite in gardens, not just for its stunning purple blooms and calming scent but also because it keeps mosquitoes at bay naturally.

I have a big patch of lavender growing near my front door. Every time I brush past it, I get a whiff of that calming lavender scent. And the best part? No mosquitoes buzzing around my head as I’m trying to unlock the door.

7. Basil (Ocimum Basilicum)

I can’t imagine my kitchen garden without basil. Whether I’m making pasta or whipping up some pesto, the fresh leaves are indispensable. And here’s a bonus—basil works wonders for repelling mosquitoes too.

I always plant extra basil around my patio. Its strong scent works wonders at keeping mosquitoes away while I enjoy dinner outside.

8. Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)

Peppermint is another herb that does double duty in the garden. Its refreshing, minty aroma is a natural mosquito repellent.

I like to grow peppermint in containers, as it can be a bit of an aggressive grower. But that just means I have plenty of fresh mint for mojitos all summer long. And the mosquitoes? They stay far away from my happy hour.

9. Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus)

Rosemary, a fragrant herb you often find in Mediterranean dishes, also works wonders as a mosquito repellent.

I have a big rosemary plant growing in a sunny spot near my back door. Every time I brush past it, I get a whiff of that distinctive, piney scent. And I’ve noticed significantly fewer mosquitoes lurking around since I planted it.

10. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus)

Finally, we come to lemongrass. This tropical plant is a cousin of citronella grass and also has the mosquito-repelling citronella oil.

Fresh lemongrass stalks are my go-to for Thai curries and soups. I also plant a few clumps around the patio to keep mosquitoes at bay. Plus, their tall leaves create a stunning backdrop for outdoor gatherings.

Tips for Growing Mosquito-Repelling Plants

You’ve got the lowdown on mosquito-repelling plants; now let’s talk about how to grow them well:

Choose the Right Location

Most mosquito-repelling plants prefer sunny spots with well-drained soil. Plant them near seating areas and pathways for maximum effectiveness.

Plant in Containers

If you have limited space or live in a colder climate, consider growing your mosquito-repelling plants in containers. That way, you can move them around as needed and bring them indoors during the winter.

Provide Adequate Drainage

Make sure your plants have good drainage to prevent root rot. If you’re planting in containers, choose pots with drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix.

Harvest and Crush Leaves

To get the mosquito-repelling oils from your plants, crush a few leaves and rub them directly on your skin. You can also dry the harvested leaves for use in sachets or to make homemade bug sprays.

Turn your backyard into a lovely retreat that’s free from pesky mosquitoes with these tips and some carefully selected plants. Enjoy gardening.


Key Takeaway:

Grow citronella grass, lemon balm, and scented geraniums to keep mosquitoes away. These plants not only repel pests but also beautify your garden.


So there you have it – the best plants to keep mosquitoes away. From the classic citronella to the unexpected catnip, these natural wonders can help you reclaim your backyard from those bloodsucking pests. And the best part? They look great and smell amazing too.

Don’t just take my word for it—plant these mosquito-repelling champions in your garden and see the magic yourself. Your summer BBQs will be bug-free, and you’ll enjoy peaceful evenings without those annoying bites.

Well folks, I’m off to plant some lemon balm and keep the mosquitoes at bay. Happy digging in the garden!

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